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发布时间:2022-07-11 08:20:07


Safe #1

Mission. Dishonored
Unlock Password: 451
You will find this safe in the sewers past the area where Corvo gets his gear back.

Safe #2

Mission. High Overseer Campbell
Unlock Password: 287
You will find this safe in Dr. Galvani’s house.

Locked Door #3

Mission. High Overseer Campbell
Unlock Password: 217
You will find a locked kennel door in the overseer’s base. You can use this combination to unlock it.

Safe #4

Mission. High Overseer Campbell
Unlock Password: 203
You will find this safe in the Overseer’s base.

Safe #5

Mission. House of Pleasure
Unlock Password: 879
You will find this safe in artist’s house.

Safe #6

Mission. The Royal Physician
Unlock Password: 473
You will find Practchett’s safe in the North End map.

Safe #7

Mission. The Royal Physician
Unlock Password: 294
You will find this safe behind a painting in the destroyed building where the prisoner pen is outside the Sokolov estate.

Safe #8

Mission. Return to the Tower
Unlock Password: 935
You will find Lord Regent Hiram Burrows’ safe in his private quarters in Dunwall Tower.






《创造与魔法》是一款待定义的游戏 ,你之所想即为所见,如果你是一位生存游戏爱好者,它将给你最丰富的游戏体验,如果你是一位rpg爱好者,你同样也可在这片天地体验到惊险与刺激,而不变的,则是你所得的每一份资源或锻造的每一件冒险装备,都需通过自己的努力去获得。我们欢迎每一位玩家共同来创造此方世界。

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