发布时间:2023-04-06 13:24:45
Previously, Explosive Arrow could have up to 5 arrows in a target, refreshing the duration each time an arrow hit the target. Now, there is no limit to the number of Explosive Arrows in a target, and the duration can't be refreshed. This lets you keep firing into an enemy, and you'll have regular explosions rather than having to halt firing to wait for detonations. The radius of the explosion is now +2 larger per arrow on the target, up to a maximum of +10 at level 1, up to +19 at gem level 20.
The skill no longer deals Secondary damage with its explosion, which greatly limited support and passive options as many specific damage modifiers wouldn't apply. Now, each arrow's explosion will deal a portion of your base weapon damage, with a large added fire bonus and the full effect of any other added damage. This still makes scaling the level of the gem useful, as you'll be boosting the fire damage of the explosion, but now stats like increased Bow Damage will apply to the entire explosion.
The explosion consumes all explosive arrows on the target and deals the combined damage of all arrow explosions, letting you build up a very strong Ignite, and the skill deals more damage with Ignite for each explosive arrow in the target.
The Barrage Support is an efficient way to quickly stack up arrows in a target, great for dealing high damage to bosses with a large explosion afterwards.
Overall, the skill is much simpler to build and use (with a lower mana cost to match), while retaining the core mechanic that made it interesting.
Shrapnel Shot
Shrapnel Shot is now called Galvanic Arrow, making the Lightning theme more obvious and differentiating the skill from the new Shrapnel Ballista. The skill still has a damage cone, but its projectiles are now limited range, traveling a base distance of 40 before projectile speed modifiers (which is about twice the range of Cleave). The skill now comes with two additional projectiles, giving a close range focus to the skill. It also has added lightning damage that grows as the gem levels.
流星射击更名为Galvanic Arrow,闪电主题会更加明显,而且更好的与新技能 流星弩炮 区分开。这个技能依然有一个锥形的范围伤害,但它的投射物现在有一个限制的射程,在没有投射物速度词缀的加成下,最多达到40范围。这个技能现在有2支额外箭矢,随等级提高附加额外闪电点伤。
The skill has a new mechanic that lets Projectile Speed modifiers apply to its Area of Effect, making it much easier to scale up the skill's damage cone while simultaneously increasing the range of its projectiles.
Overall, the skill, is now focused on being a close range skill at lower levels, and a powerful and sizeable damage area at higher levels. Adjustments to its damage mean that the Collateral Damage threshold jewel should no longer be required, so we're stopping the jewel dropping. Existing copies will deal 50% increased damage with the cone, rather than giving a 50% chance for double damage.
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